
Saturday, February 04, 2012

Day 4 - A Month of Harcombe

Scrambled eggs with the leftover veggies from 2 nights ago (the ones with the green beans and carrots) with bacon. And coffee of course!

I forgot my lunch photo! I had the left over salmon from last night with a salad and a home made vinaigrette of lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. It was delicious! Salad was mostly carrot and lettuce, and then some red capsicum and a sliced mushroom.

UFO - Unidentified Frozen Object. Turned out to be a slow cooked chicken tomato capsicum dish which I remembered disliking the first time around due to the capsicum. I pulled some out, added some basil paste, pulled out the bones, added the ratatouille from last night and served it up with lots of cheese and salt and pepper. Much better this time around! Also: kids loved it.


Molly said...

Ha ha ha !!! Unidentified Frozen Object. Know that one !!

SarahP said...

Tee hee hee